It's been a while since I posted anything; one of the drawbacks of being a WHOM! We're knackered a lot of the time. Anyway my very old friend and fine artist Charles Chamot is opening an art gallery in Syracuse, New York, US, and is taking a couple of my paintings. Hurrah! This is one of them. A watercolour of the Isle of Rum. I'm hoping to put a few pictures up in the Art Section of the Flame Books website soon. As for publishing, I'm now getting a historical novel proofread. It should be coming out early next year. Its title is The Tide Also Takes and it's a great read about the Jacobite rebellion and the battle of Glenshiel in Scotland in the 18th century. Meanwhile folks, until that happens, you could purchase a copy of Garry Craig Powell's hilarious novel, Our Parent Who Art in Heaven. It's available from the Flame Books website, Amazon, and all mainstream bookshops. And if not Garry's novel you might purchase from the website, Chitral, an exciting non fiction book about a siege in Pakistan during Victorian times. It's also a great read.
I fear there are troubled times ahead for many, but for those of us who are more fortunate let's keep cheerful and keep on keeping on. Oh, and help out as and when we can.